Are all products eligible for exchange and return?

Unfortunately, not all products have the right of exchange or return. Regarding the content of digital books, the right to exchange and return is limited, depending on whether the book has been activated in time. In unclear situations, please contact us by email
Return address:
Hiisikuja 2 B 16,

Can I cancel my order?

You will be in touch by email soon , then we will check the situation. Please state your order number in your message.
Make a return using the same delivery method when the order has been delivered to you.

How do I return an order?

If you don't like the product you ordered, you can return your order within 7 days of receiving the order.
Please note that the products to be returned must be salable.
For matters concerning returns, please contact us by e-mail
In the message, please state the order number to which your matter applies.
E-books do not have the right of exchange or return.

The product I ordered is defective, what should I do?

In the unfortunate event that the product delivered to you is defective, you have the right to receive a new product or your money back. You are in contact with e-mail in such cases

I returned the products I ordered, how do you return my money?

The refund is made using the same payment method that the order was paid for. You will receive a confirmation email when the refund has been made.

What should I do if I want to complain about the product?

You are connected to e-mail

Did you not find the answer to your question?
Contact us by email and we will be happy to answer your questions!

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